Thursday, May 6, 2010

Backpacking Time! Warm Weather is a Time to Get Out in the Boonies!

If you have been watching the CBS TV series/reality show called the "Amazing Race", you see folks with backpacks running through the amazing places of the world. That's one way of using a backpack. Many folks use the backpack method to travel and explore around the world.

But on the other hand, you can use your backpack to explore the boonies, the wilderness, the great outdoors.

I created a Squidoo lens about "Backpacking - Like Hiking, but Bringing More Stuff With You" so you can see some of my experiences with this interesting way to get around.

This Squidoo lens provides links to backpacking resources such as videos, books, and backpacking gear.

Up In The Air? A Fascination with Aircraft!

A fascination with airplanes and other flying craft can start early - very early, in fact. So I cooked up a Squidoo lens that celebrates this fascination with links to resources. Of course, I named it Up In The Air --(really, named it something else... but the URL has "upintheair" in it).

As the picture above shows, enjoying the fun of flying can start at a very early age!

Then, you have the older, slower planes such as the one below.

And, you have the faster ones such as more recent types--as shown below.

So, drop by my Squidoo lens on Airplanes and Flying and check out the Radio-Controlled (RC) model aircraft and even real aircraft that you may have a chance of buying (and books and movies about these amazing devices as well).